Billy Tsuki opens YouTube channel ‘Tsukitsuki Chaka Chaka’…

2024-03-23 01:11:03

As MC, “It’s a mess.”

Tsuki from the group Billy opened a YouTube channel called 'Tsuki Tsuki Chaka Chaka' where he took on the role of MC and predicted that it would be a mess, drawing laughter.

Tsuki appeared as a guest on the YouTube channel 'Dex 101' on the 18th and announced the opening of her YouTube channel.

Dex asked Tsuki again, who answered that she enjoys watching dramas and movies when the members are together, "Are there any dramas you're a bit obsessed with these days?", but Tsuki hesitated to answer.

We are looking forward to what kind of content Tsuki's YouTube channel 'Tsuki Tsuki Chaka Chaka' will present in the future.


→ MoaPic!