Kang Jae-jun reveals his wife Lee Eun-hyung's D-line at 18 weeks pregnant...
2024-03-23 13:11:03
“Let’s keep our gang healthy”
Comedian Kang Jae-jun received congratulations from fans after revealing the D-line of his wife Lee Eun-hyung, who is 18 weeks pregnant.
In the photo, Kang Jae-jun is looking into the mirror and taking a picture of his wife, Lee Eun-hyung, who is 18 weeks pregnant.
Kang Jae-jun announced the news of Lee Eun-hyung's pregnancy and said, "I am thankful that my son Kkangchong is growing well and healthy.
Meanwhile, Kang Jae-jun and Lee Eun-hyung received many congratulations when they announced the news of their pregnancy seven years after their marriage in 2017.