Lee Cheon-soo, Lee Kang-in's playground apology, "I don't think that scene was right."

2024-03-24 09:11:02

Former national soccer player Lee Cheon-soo criticized the apology method of Lee Kang-in (23, Paris Saint-Germain), who caused controversy over his 'bottom line' during the Qatar Asian Cup.

In 2009, Lee Cheon-soo behaved unsavory toward a referee and was punished by being asked to bear a fair play message when entering the home game.

At the time, Lee Cheon-soo stated that it was not the player's role to carry the fair play flag.

Lee Cheon-soo's criticism is interpreted not as a suspicion of Lee Kang-in's sincerity, but as a criticism of his apology method.


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