Jeong Seon-hee confesses the help of fellow comedians such as Yoo Jae-seok in the difficult times following the death of the late Ahn Jae-hwan, "I tried to erase the crying picture plastered all over the portal, but it was impossible so I gave up."

2024-03-24 14:41:03

Broadcaster Jeong Seon-hee spoke about the difficulties she experienced after the death of her husband, the late actor Ahn Jae-hwan, and the help she received from fellow comedians such as Yoo Jae-seok.

Yoon Young-mi mentioned the story of when Jeong Seon-hee's house was in danger of being auctioned off after her death, and fellow comedians such as Yoo Jae-seok raised 300 million won to help, and asked if she was telling the truth.

Young-mi Yoon was worried that Sun-hee Jeong seemed to have not yet overcome Ahn Jae-hwan's death, but Sun-hee Jeong said, "It used to be that way, but a producer asked me, 'Do you think the reason you don't get calls like before is because of what happened to you?' “What can I say?” he replied, and he cynically but accurately said, “No, the content called you has passed away.”

Jeong Seon-hee said, "I was sad at the time, but content passes, and there is no eternal content." She added, "I had to deal with something like that (bereavement), so it passed in a dramatic way, and it became a personal reason for my spirit to be refreshed."


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