Lee Yoon-jin and Lee Beom-soo announce evidence to counter Lee Beom-soo's "groundless" claim...

2024-03-30 10:41:03

“Let’s settle it in court.”

Interpreter Lee Yun-jin, who broke up her relationship with actor Lee Beom-soo, expressed a strong position by presenting evidence against Lee Beom-soo's "unfounded" claims.

Previously, the YouTube channel 'Entertainment Back President Lee Jin-ho' reported that the reason for the breakup of Lee Beom-soo and Lee Yun-jin was their personality differences, that the conflict between Lee Yun-jin and her mother-in-law was true, and that her son Da-eul got along well with his father Lee Beom-soo and wanted to live in Korea. refuted some of the social media revelations.

The breakup of Lee Yun-jin and Lee Beom-soo was first made known through media reports on March 16.

Afterwards, amidst Lee Yun-jin's series of revelations, Beom-soo Lee expressed his position through his agency, saying, "I am sorry for causing concern to my agency and the public with my personal life."


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