Hosted a mindfulness project ‘Dhamma Talk’ with 500 monks, Haiki, and youth leaders, including Jinwoo, General Secretary of the Jogye Order.

2024-03-30 19:11:03

Through this Dhamma Talk, we will learn about Heiki's unique method of managing idol mentality, share our own experiences about concerns and difficulties that young people can sympathize with, and find solutions together with the head of the General Affairs Center, Venerable Jinwoo.

This project will strengthen the preservation and dissemination of traditional and Buddhist cultural heritage by attracting a large number of young people interested in Korea's traditional and Buddhist culture, and promote the core values ​​and principles of Buddhism to solve various youth problems that are emerging in Korean society as of 2024. It was designed to create a place of inclusiveness that all generations can sympathize with by presenting reflective alternatives.

The next day, from the 5th to the 7th, 'Study on the Buddha's Death Episode' by Monk Myeong-oh (Dean of Donghaksa Sangha College) and 'Amita Meditation ', 'Hip Buddhism' by Monk Beomjeong (Monk at Hwaeomsa Temple), 'Buddha's path is the path of meditation and healing' by Monk Harim (Director of Mita Seonwon, Busan), and 'Circle Talk' by Monk Junhan (Hongdae Seonwon). It is scheduled to proceed.

The expo said that 'Dhamma Talk' will solve various problems that are emerging mainly among the youth, such as the rapidly increasing youth suicide rate and the problem of reclusive youth (hikikomori), and provide practical social prescriptions to lead a healthy life through continuous mental management in daily life. The purpose is to promote and increase understanding of traditional and Buddhist culture by promoting the symbolism of meditation (mindfulness) among Korean traditional and Buddhist culture to the world, and to provide healing and rest to young people. He said he was looking forward to it.


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