The charm of ‘Eyelet’ that draws you in with ‘Super attraction’

2024-04-01 00:41:03

Even before her debut, she used her official TikTok account to upload trending challenges and reveal the daily lives of lively teenage girls, creating a sense of familiarity.

She also held a debut party called 'Friends Night' on the 23rd, inviting TikTokers, influencers, YouTubers, etc.

Influencers who attended the party filmed themselves enjoying the event and uploaded it to their respective channels, which was exposed to the influencer's fans and enjoyed a viral effect.

Thanks to this marketing, Aillet set a new record for the most streams on the same day of a K-POP girl group's debut title song on QQ Music, China's largest music streaming site, and released their debut title song 'Magnetic' on Spotify, the world's largest music streaming platform, just four days after their debut. 'It was also listed on 'Weekly Top Song Global'.


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