Level 16, brainwashing, suspicion, and greed

2024-04-01 15:41:03

I think the fun of thrillers is the creepy atmosphere rather than the sudden surprise.

In the process of finding out about the boarding school, the creepy and gloomy direction continued, but from the middle, when all the facts were revealed, it suddenly started to become a horror movie.

The appearance of the corpse, the sudden change in the situation, etc. completely broke the ongoing atmosphere of the movie.

At the end of the movie, the villains can't do anything.

The villains were so strong that I thought it would have been better to have the main characters captured.

In thriller movies, the secrets and level of cruelty of the villains are important, but the movie completely ignored these points.

If you are looking for a light-hearted chase-and-mouse thriller movie, I recommend it.


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