Kim Soo-hyun joins hands with Kim Ji-won to take revenge...

2024-04-01 22:41:03

‘Queen of Tears’ a surprising twist

Hong Hae-in chose an agreed divorce for Baek Hyun-woo, but she burst into tears alone after hearing Baek Hyun-woo say to her friend, "I want Hae-in to be by my side."

In order to increase Queen's Group's shares, Yoon Eun-seong and Mo Seul-hee kicked out Baek Hyun-woo as chairman and tricked Chairman Hong Man-dae (Kim Gap-su) into obtaining a power of attorney.

Mos Seul-hee revealed to the Queens family that she did not hide the fact that her son was Yoon Eun-seong, and she eventually took away Queens.

The Queens family, who lost their home, headed to Yongduri, Baek Hyun-woo's hometown.


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