[PD Notebook] <Corporate Murder and Comment Unit> In-depth coverage of comment unit manipulation of public opinion

2024-04-02 14:41:03

Comments began suggesting other solutions to consumers who were terrified while biting into the Cream House mat.

Did consumers recommend Company A’s mat because they no longer had any affection for the Cream House mat?

Cream House did not miss the behavior of these comments, and MBC's 'PD Notebook' also looked into the consumers who wrote the comments.

The comments, which were outraged by the fact that they had purchased the hazardous material mat with their own money and demanded a refund, changed at some point into comments that slandered Cream House's mat while praising its competitor, Company A.

The owner of the name that was not yet erased from the test results was a family member of an employee who worked at Company A, which was recommended by the comments.


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