Park Seo-joon and Lauren dating rumors...

2024-05-25 15:41:03

Park Seo-joon's agency says, "Personal life cannot be confirmed"

Actor Park Seo-joon (35) was embroiled in dating rumors with Chinese-American model Lauren Sy, who is 10 years younger than him, but his agency said in response, "We cannot confirm his private life."

Prior to this, Taiwanese media ET Today reported the dating rumor between Park Seo-joon and Lauren on the 23rd.

In addition, the fact that Park Seo-joon and Lauren are following each other's Instagram accounts, and Park Seo-joon's best friend, actor Choi Woo-sik, is following Lauren is presented as the basis for the dating rumor.

Lauren Sy works as a model and influencer, and she has 1.03 million followers on Instagram.


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