'Divorce from Beomsu Lee' Yoonjin Lee, charisma that shines even during divorce proceedings...

2024-05-26 10:11:03

‘Femme fatale’ transformation

Interpreter Lee Yun-jin, who is in the midst of divorce proceedings with actor Lee Beom-soo, captured attention with a bold image change.

Netizens are cheering for Lee Yun-jin's transformation by sending responses such as "Lee Yun-jin, was she this pretty?", "I think she shines even more after the divorce", and "I support a new beginning."

Yunjin Lee previously drew attention by posting a post implying that she was in the midst of divorce proceedings.

On the 22nd, he wrote on Instagram, "When you meet a really great person, you meet a really great attitude. A person's attitude is really everything."


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