[Oh Eun-young Report - Marriage Hell] Couples who visited <Oh Eun-young Report - Marriage Hell> were very satisfied with the connection to couple counseling after the broadcast ended.

2024-05-27 15:41:03

Among them, in the second part of the After Special, the 'Apology Couple', who worked together but were unable to communicate due to the wife opposing everything and the husband with excessive behavior, the 'Puzzle Couple', who were so moved that they made viewers across the country cry as soon as it was broadcast, and the husband. Three couples, including the ‘hiking couple’ who say all their conversations take to the mountains because of their ADHD, come to share their counseling reviews.

They run a butcher shop and a restaurant together, but the wife opposes everything her husband says and the passionate husband has excessive behavior.

On the other hand, her husband exploded his accumulated anger, saying that he did not want to talk to his wife, who was against everything.

At the time, viewers who observed the couple's daily life reacted by saying that they could not understand the husband, who used an irritated tone throughout the conversation, and that they did not understand why the wife was opposed to expanding the business for the family, not for anyone else. I also sympathized with the position.

In fact, the production crew burst into laughter at the sight of the husband doing his best to help his wife relieve her stress by filming a dance video, even though it was an awkward dance move...


In addition, her wife demonstrated difficulty calculating numbers in her daily life.

Her husband said that after watching his wife like this, he recommended that she be diagnosed with intellectual disability.

Her wife made her husband understand that she had a fear of abandonment, or 'abandonment anxiety', rather than a dependency.

During the broadcast, the husband said that he reflected a lot after listening to the comments from viewers who said that he was stuffy and suffocating in real time when he spoke at length, and the advice of people around him.

After leaving the finishing touches to the staff, the sight of the husband getting in the car and heading somewhere makes viewers nervous as to whether he will visit her aunt's house again like before.


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