Calm Man reveals that he has submitted a petition against Min Hee-jin's dismissal - "I like the synergy between New Jeans and CEO Min, so I want them to give me a chance."

2024-05-27 16:11:03

YouTuber Chem Chum Man announced that he submitted a petition opposing the dismissal of Min Hee-jin, CEO of Adore, the group's New Jeans agency.

Previously, according to the legal community, it was reported that Chim Chum Man submitted a petition to the court in the case of 'provisional injunction prohibiting the exercise of voting rights in favor of the motion to dismiss Adore's CEO' filed by CEO Min against Hive.

Chem Chem Man also addressed those who expressed dissatisfaction with the submission of his petition, saying, “I wrote the petition because I wanted to be given one more chance to deal with the dismissal.” He added, “Some people think that if you write a petition, you are in the same boat until you die. “He pointed out.

In addition to Chem Man, members of New Genes and 10,000 members of the fandom ‘Bernies’ submitted a petition opposing CEO Min’s dismissal.


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