“There is a recording of Kang Hyung-wook’s 20-minute rant.” Former employees expose allegations of abuse of power by Kang Hyung-wook during the ‘opening order’

2024-05-27 18:41:04

The controversy over abuse of power by dog ​​trainer Kang Hyeong-wook (opening order) is spreading into a truth battle due to additional revelations from former employees.

On the 24th, Kang Hyeong-wook explained the allegations regarding CCTV, messenger surveillance, severance pay, and dog abuse through the YouTube channel 'Kang Hyeong-wook's Bodeum TV', but former Bodeum Company employees are dispelling these allegations and making additional revelations one after another.

All employees also expressed their refutation of the suspicions of Kang Hyeong-wook's wife's monitoring of company messengers and misogyny.

Regarding the fact that Kang Hyeong-wook acknowledged paying 9,670 won in severance pay and apologized, former employees criticized, "It was not an explanation, but a witch hunt against the employees who raised the issue."


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