[SBS My Little Old Boy] Is there a group backlash against the son’s selection as general secretary of the ‘salty guy’ Kim Jong-guk?

2024-05-28 00:11:03

4 Mother Avengers ‘dizzy’ before unstoppable revelations

Kim Jong-guk, Lee Dong-gun, Heo Kyung-hwan

In response, Heo Kyung-hwan could not hide his anxiety, saying, "If Kim Jong-guk becomes the general manager, he may leave money behind," and expectations are rising as to what a group father-son trip led by 'Salty Jong-guk', who has become the general manager, will look like.

The Mystic Birds father and son, who entered into a full-scale rock, paper, scissors battle, continued the nail-biting game by deploying all kinds of sure-win strategies. Attention is focused on whether the four Miu Birds fathers and children will be able to succeed in getting free drinks as their father wished.

In particular, in response to the sons' question, "Have you ever forced yourself to eat your mom's food when it wasn't delicious?" the fathers' outspoken diss comments were, "I know you're a good cook because she eats it without saying a word," and "It's difficult to put a score on my wife's cooking." It continued, and the true scene unfolded as the Mother Avengers, who were watching this in the studio, all grabbed their heads.


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