[SBS You Are My Destiny] Paris Olympics special feature begins!

2024-05-28 14:41:03

‘National Fencing Team’ Koo Bon-gil and Park Eun-joo appear as married couple -> Highest viewer rating 5.1%

Koo Bon-gil said, “Before I met his wife, there was a time when my world ranking fell.

“After meeting his wife, I rose to number one in the world again,” he said, explaining that the good relationship at the time led to marriage.

Gu Bon-gil, who saw his wife, expressed his special affection for her, saying, "Isn't she the prettiest among ordinary people's wives?"

Usually, the wife spent more time with her mother-in-law than with her husband.

He said, “The expected date of the second birth is during the ‘Olympic period.’” Koo Bon-gil said, “My wife gave birth to a baby while I was competing overseas.”


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