Kim Byung-man cries while remembering his mother who passed away...

2024-06-09 22:41:03

“He passed away in a mudflat accident.”

Kim Byung-man revealed that she lost her mother in May 2022.

Kim Byeong-man's mother died on May 3, 2022, after being stranded by high tide while catching clams in a mudflat in Buan, Jeollabuk-do.

At that time, an accident occurred where a woman in her 70s died after being stranded by high tide while fishing for clams in a mudflat. This woman was Kim Byeong-man's mother.

Kim Byeong-man's voice was soft as he explained the situation at the time, saying, "He went into the sea at low tide, but the tide came in and he could not get out, so he passed away."


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