Actress Joo Hyun-young selected as ‘Aimiru’ eye drop ambassador

2024-07-16 11:11:03

Yuhan Corporation and Lion Korea announced that they will launch a new advertising campaign by selecting actress Joo Hyun-young as the ambassador for 'Aimiru', the first eye drop brand containing vitamin A in Korea.

The concept of this advertisement is 'a cute nuisance that causes fatigue', and it consists of a total of 3 parts, depending on the situation in which Aimiru is needed, including the office worker part (glumness), the blind date part (contact lenses), and the library part (congestion).

In the advertisement, Joo Hyun-young perfectly played two roles, transforming into a person who feels uncomfortable due to eye fatigue in each situation and a person who causes the fatigue, and then fights off the fatigue with the eye vitamin Amiru.

Aimiru marketing manager said, “We chose Joo Hyun-young as our ambassador because her bubbly and lovely charm can approach the MZ generation, who mainly use contact lenses, in a friendly way. “I do it,” he said.


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