Pisik University donates 50 million won in goods to Yeongyang County flood damage amid 'controversy over local criticism'

2024-07-17 22:41:03

The agency Meta Comedy announced on the 17th that the YouTube channel 'Pisik University' donated goods worth 50 million won to help with flooding damage in Yeongyang-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

'Pisik University', run by comedians Jae-hyung Jeong, Min-soo Kim, and Lee Yong-ju, delivered daily necessities such as refrigerators, washing machines, fans, rice cookers, and televisions worth 50 million won to the Yeongyang-gun Office after receiving damage from the recent heavy rain that occurred in Yeongyang-gun.

Yeongyang County Office said, “We are very grateful for your support by donating items as cash donations are currently not possible.

However, they have recently caused controversy by making disparaging remarks about Yeongyang-gun.


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