<Smoking Gun> “The problem is that I am alive” - Dangjin family murder case

2024-07-18 13:41:03

Additionally, as a result of the autopsy, a wound was found on the old couple's neck from a sharp weapon, and gasoline was even found on the floor. What on earth happened to this family that night?

This is because traces of smoke inhalation were detected only on the body of the son, Kim, among the family members. It appears that the son, Kim, was the only one alive at the time of the fire and committed suicide by setting himself on fire by pouring gasoline on his body.

It is said that during the remarriage process, there was a conflict with the parents over the issue of registering the son brought by the wife on the family register. Ahn Hyeon-mo said, "There were a lot of festering wounds in the family, and the problem seems to have arisen because the son was carrying the debt alone. Lee Hye-won said, "I feel sorry for the eldest son who was left behind because he was not his biological son," and continued, "No matter what, killing the entire family and leaving an indelible scar on the eldest son for the rest of his life was so wrong that it is not worth pity on."

The story of a heartless son who faked a fire, murdered his entire family, and then committed suicide can be seen on KBS2 at 10:15 pm on Thursday, July 18.


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