Netflix, Jo Jung-seok → Kian84 unveils diverse entertainment lineup for the 2024-2025 season...

2024-07-27 20:11:03

“Sniping at viewers’ tastes”

Netflix plans to captivate viewers with entertainment programs of various genres from 2024 to 2025.

Yoo Ki-hwan, director of Netflix, said, "For the first time in two years, we have been able to present a colorful and diverse entertainment lineup. We have prepared programs of various genres such as music, comedy, zombies, and dating to satisfy the diverse tastes of viewers."

In particular, Netflix emphasized that despite the success of 'Solo Hell' and 'Physical: 100', it is working to produce programs that reflect the tastes of various viewers rather than focusing on a specific genre.

Director Yoo said, “We are proud of the work that has achieved global success, but we will continue to present programs of various genres for viewers with diverse tastes.”


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