Special collaboration between Birthday and CGV, media art at the movie theater

2024-07-30 22:41:05

Media art label VERSEDAY, which has been active through media art based on collaboration with various fields, joins hands with Korea's No. 1 movie theater, CGV, to present a new type of exhibition, 'Dive Deeply: ALBERT'.

Through this exhibition, Birthday presents a lyrical narrative in science by telling the epic journey from the beginning of space and time, to the birth of life and civilization, and to the extinction of the universe, through the story of light and a child chasing it.

Choi Gwang-hoon, director of Birthday, who planned the project, said, "The Albert exhibition, which was unveiled last year at the Gwacheon Science Museum Planetarium, the largest dome theater in Korea, provided maximized immersion by allowing the audience to lie down as if looking at the sky and view the screen on the ceiling.

This collaboration between Birthday and CGV is expected to provide new cultural experiences to the public through the convergence of various forms such as art and science, content and platforms, and movies and exhibitions.


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