Winner Lee Seung-hoon, controversy over dance first pitch...

2024-08-30 04:11:04

Point out “excessive performance and interference with the game”

Seung-Hoon Lee, who threw out the first pitch at the game between Lotte Giants and Hanwha Eagles held at Sajik Baseball Stadium in Busan on the 28th, showed off a dance performance and said, 'Lotte's winner.'

Some fans argued, "It's good to get in the mood before the game, but too much performance can interfere with concentration in the game," and added, "As the first pitch is a symbolic act that announces the start of the game, it should be more formal."

Regarding this, some opinions have been raised that "It was just a performance with a happy heart as a fan supporting Lotte, and there was no intention to interfere with the game."

There is ongoing debate as to whether the first pitch should go beyond simply announcing the start of a game and play a role in communicating with fans and stimulating the atmosphere.


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