Lim Ji-yeon reveals her real sister who may be mistaken for twins...

2024-08-31 05:41:03

In a relationship with ‘The Glory’ Lee Do-hyun

Actress Lim Ji-yeon caught the attention of netizens by revealing her beautiful older sister, who looks so much like her that many people mistaken her for her twin.

The released photo shows Lim Ji-yeon and her older sister enjoying a round of golf together at a nighttime golf course.

Fans reacted enthusiastically to the reveal of Lim Ji-yeon's real sister, leaving comments such as "Oh my, you are pretty and your real sister is also pretty. What's going on with your amazing genes?", "There are two Yeonjins", and "I thought they were twins."

Meanwhile, Lim Ji-yeon has been in a public relationship with actor Lee Do-hyun, her partner in the Netflix series 'The Glory', since April of last year.


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