Dolby Cinema introduces September releases that will take charge of Chuseok theaters with unrivaled color and sound

2024-09-03 16:41:04

This screening, which consists of a variety of films ranging from unique occult fantasy to intense action crime investigation drama and blockbuster robot movie, uses Dolby's premium HDR video technology 'Dolby Vision®' and next-generation immersive sound technology 'Dolby Atmos®'. In Dolby Cinema, you can watch the movie in an immersive way with gorgeous visuals and sound that envelops your whole body.

The strange and dreamy world of the dead, with its mysterious afterlife platform and dancing ghosts, is realized in the gorgeous colors of Dolby Vision.

The so-called 'orthopedic action', in which actors throw their whole bodies into the city center, is vividly realized as if it were unfolding before your eyes through Dolby Vision, and the dynamic sound of Dolby Atmos conveys the feeling of impact in the action scene to the audience. .

Dolby Cinema, which operates more than 290 branches in 14 countries around the world, combines Dolby Vision, which creates vivid screens with billions of color palettes, and Dolby Atmos technology, which boasts sound that surrounds the audience from all directions. It provides a unique cinema experience across all genres.


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