Seo Dong-ju reveals romance with prospective husband 4 years younger than her...

2024-09-07 23:11:03

“Walking the dog connected us”

Lawyer and broadcaster Seo Dong-ju revealed her fresh love story with her husband-to-be, who is four years younger than her.

In her video, Seo Dong-ju said, "She has been with her as her older sister and younger brother since last year, but since the second half of last year, her relationship has developed into a more serious one, and since the beginning of this year, she has been seeing him as a complete lover." The wedding announcement was made.

Seo Dong-ju was also touched by her boyfriend's warm heart and consideration, and she confessed that thanks to him, she was able to live a more relaxed and happy life.

Through this marriage announcement, Seo Dong-ju shows that she is finding new happiness and is receiving the blessings of her fans.


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