MBC Investigation Project [Straight] Split Liberation Day...Resurgence of ‘New Right’ and ‘Modern Secret Service’

2024-09-08 16:41:06

He defended pro-Japanese composer Ahn Eak-tae and General Baek Sun-yup, a former member of the Gando Special Forces, and argued that liberation occurred not on August 15, 1945, but on the date of government establishment in 1948.

These three people have something in common: they participated in the 'Textbook Forum' debate that promoted alternative history textbooks.

The Textbook Forum, an organization formed to 'change left-biased history textbooks', was criticized for glorifying colonial rule or rationalizing dictatorship.

Japanese warships appeared in the waters near Dokdo, and the Japanese government requested Korea not to conduct any Dokdo defense training.


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