1 Night 2 Days Jo Se-ho harasses the members with a mission to get lucky in bed...

2024-09-09 09:11:04

‘Try to beat Seho’

The members had to win the various games prepared by Jo Se-ho to be able to sleep comfortably in the camping car.

DinDin then tried various games, such as blowing the recorder with his nose and Yoo Seon-ho maintaining the freeze position, but failed repeatedly due to Jo Se-ho's persistent interference and ended up sleeping outdoors.

The eldest members of the line, Moon Se-yoon and Kim Jong-min, were also unable to beat Jo Se-ho and decided to sleep outdoors.

In the end, with the help of the production crew, the members played the lemon-eating and whistling game for the final time, and Moon Se-yoon succeeded the fastest and was able to sleep in the camping car with Lee Jun.


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