Kim Jong-min reveals plans to propose in 'I'm glad you got a good rest'...

2024-09-09 14:11:03

“On a 0.5-star deserted island”

Kim Jong-min, who recently admitted to being in a relationship with a lover who is 11 years younger than him, naturally connected it to his own situation when the topic of a proposal came up on the program.

Kim Jong-min was intrigued by Kwon Eun-bi's suggestion, "If you propose on a 0.5 star deserted island, I will decorate it even prettier than now," leaving open the possibility of a deserted island proposal.

Ahn Jung-hwan and Boom, who were watching this in the studio, proposed an island wedding in addition to Kim Jong-min's proposal, making everyone laugh by saying, "Ahn Jung-hwan can officiate and Boom can host the ceremony."

Meanwhile, Eunbi Kwon shyly revealed about the proposal she wanted, saying, "I wouldn't mind being proposed to while drinking coffee at a cafe."


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