[SBS Power FM] ‘Yoon Jong Shin-pyo idol’ ARrC “What does the team name mean?

2024-09-23 12:11:03

With the artist’s ambition to grow beyond each person’s differences.”

The team name, Ark, is an abbreviation for 'Always Remember the real Connection' and is explained as containing "the artist's ambition to grow beyond the differences of time and space."

The title song 'S&S (sour and sweet)' is a bright and exciting song with a hip-hop base, and is said to have been inspired by Aesop's fable 'The Fox and the Grapes'.

Audience members who appreciated the song responded by saying things like, “I feel like I’m seeing the beginning of a legend,” and “I can feel the passion in the freshness.”

A pregnant audience member who saw the performance sent a text saying, “The baby in my stomach is jumping so hard,” and another audience member said, “They say the song will pop up when elementary school students know it, but my 8-year-old son knows it.”


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