Jang Soo-won and Ji Sang-eun couple join 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2'...

2024-09-23 13:11:03

Marriage registration after 4 years, bombshell statement ahead of childbirth

In particular, the story of two people who are expecting a precious child after in vitro fertilization is expected to form a consensus among viewers.

Jang Su-won expressed her regret and gratitude towards her wife, saying, "Her wife is 46 years old, one year older than me, and she successfully became pregnant after 9 in vitro fertilization."

However, Jang Su-won showed her immature side by going out drinking with her friends every day, 7 days before she was due to give birth, which angered her wife Ji Ji-eun.

In response, Jang Su-won explained, "My seniors in childcare said that you should play closely before giving birth," but her wife, Ji Sang-eun, became even more angry at Jang Su-won's words, "After giving birth, she will only be faithful to her baby and family," and criticized the couple's appearance in reality. showed it


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