[PD Notebook] <Patient drifting: Is the emergency medical system collapsing?> In-depth coverage of the emergency room treatment crisis

2024-09-24 15:11:04

On the 12th, a fierce war of words broke out in the National Assembly over the so-called 'emergency room hit and run', which refers to a situation where emergency or seriously ill patients go back and forth in the emergency room.

In a question to the government at the National Assembly, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo refuted the point from the National Assembly members, 'Aren't people dying in emergency room hit-and-runs?' by saying, "It's fake news. Where are they dying?"

However, articles about patients and injured patients in danger due to emergency room hit-and-runs were reported day after day.

There were a total of ten hospitals where the emergency responders who responded at the time responded that the emergency rooms were unacceptable.


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