Jesse Fan assault incident, new phase...

2024-10-16 01:11:03

Suspicion of a ‘Korean gang’ raised by the group’s producer

In particular, the case took a new turn as suspicions were raised that the producer identified as the perpetrator was connected to a Korean gang in LA.

The victim's mother claimed, "The statement in the apology that 'they were not part of the group' and 'they suddenly appeared' is not true," and added, "I am certain that the perpetrator was a member of Jesse's group who was at the scene."

The victim also said, “The producer who was in Jessie’s group assaulted her when she refused her request for a photo,” and added, “I don’t feel the apology is sincere.”

The police are investigating the circumstances of the incident based on the victim's statement and tip, and will decide whether to punish the perpetrator.


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