MBC <True Story Exploration Team> The fear of the alley, beware of that woman!

2024-11-07 22:41:10

This woman's mother revealed her daughter's past and hidden stories...

Dong-wook (pseudonym) says that all of this is because of the ultimate love that came to his 82-year-old mother.

Dong-wook (pseudonym) said he received a call from the police a year ago saying that his mother may have been the victim of voice phishing for about 30 million won.

However, the mother who deposited the money into the cannon account claimed that she had sent the money to a friend she met through social media and that she had not been scammed... It turned out that the mother had a loving conversation with 'Franklin Joe', a Yemeni doctor who was dispatched to war.

has been shared.

However, Franklin Joe suddenly asked me to keep the box of money he acquired during the war...


→ MoaPic!