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2024-11-28 18:41:03

Holmes] Kim Sook

Let's go on a field trip to the Gangneung region!

Next, Deok team leader Kim Sook goes on a local field trip to Gangneung with Gangneung native Jeongsu Yoon.

Arriving at Gangneung Station, Kim Sook praises ‘Gangneung native’ Yoon Jeong-su, saying that no one knows Gangneung better than him.

In response, Yoon Jeong-su said, “I received recommendations for properties for sale in Gangneung in advance in a group chat room with 100 (?) friends from my hometown.

“, and reveals the content of the conversation on site.

Kim Sook said to Yoon Jeong-su, “Gangneung is the perfect city for camping and fishing lovers.

I wanted to live in Gangneung in my old age.

"I confess.


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