[Oh Eun-young Report - Marriage Hell] How much can you accommodate your beloved spouse...

2024-12-01 13:11:06

Restraint or love, do you have to follow unreasonable rules to prove your love?

‘Shackled Couple’ appears!

In “Marriage Hell,” a “shackled couple” appears: a wife who wants to be proven in love by her husband, and a husband who feels that his wife’s demands are controlling.

These two people are in a situation where the husband failed to keep his promise to his wife and ended up making the same mistake over and over again, and as a result, the wife lost hope that her husband would change.

In this way, the husband listens to his wife's requests in order to avoid offending her, and rules are naturally created.

The husband confesses that he drives home from work more violently than usual because he has to get home even a minute early so his wife will scold him less.


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