Lady Ok's Tale, the meeting of trustworthy girl Lim Ji-yeon and a perfect historical drama story.

2024-12-04 15:41:03

The drama "Mrs. Ok's Tale" is the story of 'Gudeok', who lived as a slave but ran away and, due to some incident, takes on the identity of 'Ok Taeyoung', a lady from a noble family.

Moreover, the love that could not be realized as a runaway slave named Gu-deok is realized as 'Ok Tae-yeong'.

However, what is definitely different from other dramas is that not only Ok Tae-young but also the male protagonist, Song Seo-in, will transform into someone else's identity.

In addition, the narrative with the male protagonist Song Seo-in was expressed in a heartbreaking and nostalgic way, highlighting the strengths that Korean historical dramas can show.


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