[SBS The Fierce Priest 2] Kim Nam-gil, ‘Bandage Ching-ching’, a surprise reunion scene with the dead Father Lee Young-jun in the hospital room!

2024-12-06 18:41:04

What happened?!

Kim Hae-il, dressed in a hospital gown and with a bandage wrapped around his head, is deeply saddened by the hospital food in front of him, while Father Lee Young-jun watches from afar.

Afterwards, Father Lee Young-jun, who sat next to Kim Hae-il, held Kim Hae-il's hand and smiled kindly, exuding a holy energy.

Attention is being paid to why the deceased Father Lee Young-jun appears in front of Kim Hae-il and what effect the appearance of Father Lee Young-jun, who caught Kim Hae-il, who was wandering before becoming a priest in Season 1, will have on Kim Hae-il, who is in desperate danger.

Meanwhile, the two-shot of Kim Nam-gil and Jeong Dong-hwan, which took place in 'The Fierce Priest 2' after 5 years, warmed the air on set and created a warm atmosphere.


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