[SBS Anytime,] Kang Min-kyung silences ‘national MC’ Yoo Jae-seok!

2024-12-17 17:11:04

“Oppa, if you can’t do it, shut your mouth.

“I will do it.”

That's right, on this day, Kang Min-kyung continues to perform as an 'ace', surpassing Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok.

Finally, Kang Min-kyung said, “Let’s come to our senses.

It is said that Yoo Jae-seok made a threat by saying, “If you are wrong, prepare to be beaten in the ass,” and that Yoo Jae-seok grabbed his dazed mind by saying, “I am so intimidated” as ‘teacher Kang Min-kyung’ continued to whip him.

You can find out in this broadcast 'whenever you get the chance' whether 'OST powerhouse' Kang Min-kyung will be able to maintain her 'ace' pace until the end, and whether Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok will be able to break away from Kang Min-kyung's 'miscellaneous things' and create a 'perfect shot'.



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