[SBS Running Man] Preview of the legendary episode of ‘10-minute extended programming’, from Ji Seok-jin’s lying down to the summoning of ‘lying Ji-hyo’

2024-12-20 20:11:05

The identity was a hidden mission to determine the first confirmed bibuk member. Each person had to complete the assigned homework within one hour, and the last person was confirmed as a bibak member.

The members, who avoided bivouacing in the snow-covered mountains of Gangwon-do, showed sincerity in sabotaging the show with the message, "If I don't do it, no one else can do it," as is the case with "Running Man," where "betrayal is everyday life."

Meanwhile, after the storm mission was over, an ASMR recording was held just for Ji Seok-jin, a 'first in history'.

This is because everyone went into mute mode for one member who was sound asleep during the break, but it is said that the production team also tried to convey the mission rules through an ASMR version, and the scene quickly degenerated into an unexpected 'laughter challenge'.


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