<Smoking Gun> “Don’t cheat” - Private Yoon’s death case

2024-12-21 03:41:04

When he was rushed to the hospital, Yoon was already unconscious and dependent on a respirator, and he died two days later.

Brother-in-law Kim Jin-mo, who had been working hard to uncover the truth about the death of his brother-in-law, Private Yoon, is greatly shocked when he hears the news four months later.

This is the result of the four senior soldiers continuing to endure unbearable acts and assaults, including severe assaults and sputum licking, for as long as 35 days.

Lee Ji-hye was angry and said, “How can you even think of covering it up when a person died (in the unit)?” and Ahn Hyun-mo was speechless, saying, “I don’t think there was anyone who could save Private Yoon.”


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