Jeon Hyun-moo, in response to dating rumors with announcer Hong Joo-yeon, says, “If you look at the article, you’ll be newly married…”

2024-12-22 18:11:03

Kim Sook, intensively interrogates “Juyeon only shows waves in text messages”

Broadcaster Jeon Hyun-moo is trying to explain the dating rumors with announcer Hong Joo-yeon.

In particular, on this day's broadcast, a text message sent by Jeon Hyun-moo to announcer Hong Joo-yeon was revealed, and it is said that the studio was turned upside down.

In response, Jeon Hyun-moo explained that it was "fair love for juniors," but Kim Sook did not stop there and made Jeon Hyun-moo sweat by revealing that Jeon Hyun-moo had sent a particularly long reply only to Hong Joo-yeon.

Expectations are rising for the 'Sad Angel' broadcast to see what kind of explanation Jeon Hyun-moo will give regarding his dating rumor with Hong Joo-yeon and how he will respond to Kim Sook's sharp questioning.


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