Lee Ji-hye confesses conflict with Moon Jae-wan “On the verge of burnout…

2024-12-24 14:41:02

“Children are my everything”

Singer Lee Ji-hye won the sympathy of viewers by honestly confessing her inner feelings about the conflict with her husband Moon Jae-wan and the stress of parenting through broadcasting.

On this day's broadcast, Lee Ji-hye revealed the busy reality of parenting by showing herself preparing for morning school for her two daughters, Tae-ri (7 years old) and Ellie (4 years old).

When husband Jae-wan Moon did not show an active role in raising children, Ji-hye Lee expressed her frustration and created a cold atmosphere, suggesting a deepening conflict between the two.

Lee Ji-hye, who was shocked to see Tae-ri draw a family picture without her father, explained why she decided to get couples counseling and confessed, "When I saw that picture, I realized the rift in our family."

Accordingly, a couple counseling expert analyzed, "Lee Ji-hye's leadership in trying to take responsibility for everything has weakened trust and cooperation with her husband," and advised, "It is necessary to tolerate her husband's mistakes and trust him."

After the broadcast, viewers deeply sympathized with Lee Ji-hye's honest confession and realistic conflict, and sent supportive messages such as "It's like every mother's story," and "I hope you overcome burnout well."


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