Choi Jun-hee, honest confession, "I want to have double jaw surgery, but my boyfriend has been preventing me from doing it for several years... We fight every day."

2024-12-25 12:11:03

Choi Jun-hee, the daughter of the late Choi Jin-sil, who is active as an influencer, has become a hot topic by revealing her honest thoughts about double jaw surgery.

Fans poured out questions to Choi Jun-hee about plastic surgery and procedures, and Choi Jun-hee honestly confessed about all the cosmetic procedures and surgeries she had undergone.

In particular, she honestly confessed her concerns about additional surgery, saying, "I really want to have contouring or double jaw surgery, but my boyfriend has not allowed me for several years, so we fight every day."

Although she is hesitant about double jaw surgery due to her boyfriend's opposition, she appears to have expressed a strong will to have the surgery.


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