Hong Jin-hee reveals the story behind 'Sunny', which attracted 7 million viewers in 'Park Won-sook's Let's Live Together'

2024-12-25 21:41:03

Actress Hong Jin-hee will appear on KBS 2TV's 'Park Won-sook's Let's Live Together', which will be broadcast on the 26th, and reveal the behind-the-scenes story of the movie 'Sunny', which attracted 7 million viewers.

On this day's broadcast, Hong Jin-hee will reveal the process of her spectacular return with 'Sunny' after a 10-year hiatus and the reason why 'Sunny' became her first and last film.

Kim Hye-soo presents items she personally bought for Hong Jin-hee and sends a touching text message, showing off the deep friendship between the two.

'Park Won-sook's Let's Live Together', filled with Hong Jin-hee and Lee Kyung-ae's honest and pleasant story and their passionate passion, will be broadcast on the afternoon of the 26th.


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