‘Rural Village Lee Jang-woo’ ends today… “The long journey ends with the opening of a brewery and restaurant.”

2024-12-26 00:11:03

In the last episode, Lee Jang-woo's busy preparation process ahead of the opening of a brewery and restaurant is depicted.

In particular, announcer Kim Dae-ho, who appeared as a cooking mate, will serve as a strong supporter in Lee Jang-woo's menu development based on his rich cooking experience.

The opening ceremony was fully booked with guests from all over the country, and Girls' Generation's Yuri, actor Yoon Si-yoon, and announcer Jo Jung-sik made surprise appearances as part-timers.

Meanwhile, 'Country Village Lee Jang-woo' is scheduled to return as a special feature for the Lunar New Year holiday in 2025.


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