Tei presents an explosive mukbang in ‘Jeon Hyun-moo Plan 2’…

2025-01-04 02:11:03

“I eat 26 chickens a year”

Singer Tei is garnering attention by showing off an unimaginable mukbang on the entertainment program 'Jeon Hyun-moo's Plan 2'.

In particular, Tei, who is known as a representative 'good eater' in the entertainment industry, showed off his extraordinary appetite by eating everything from chicken intestine stew to aged chicken stir-fry stew.

In addition, when told that the average annual consumption of chicken per person in Korea is 26, he said, "When I order chicken by myself, I eat at least 3.

In this way, Tei's explosive mukbang brought a lot of laughter to viewers and added to the fun of the program.


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