Ham Ik's disease reveals his mother-in-law's story of fighting the disease and reveals his thoughts about death

2025-01-05 01:41:02

Ham Ik-byeong confessed that he had lived with death in mind for 20 years, and showed a natural acceptance of death, such as saying, "If you open your eyes in the morning, it's your birthday, and if you don't open your eyes, it's a memorial service," instead of having a birthday party.

Ham Ik-byeong confessed that he only told his family about his mother-in-law's illness and allowed her to die comfortably without telling him.

He said, “My mother-in-law lived in good health until she was 93 years old, and was able to lead a normal life even during the six-month illness, so I did not recommend surgery and let her live comfortably.” He added, “I think she passed away happily without knowing about her illness until the end.”

He said.

Commenting on Ham Ik-byeong's decision, Professor Park Gwang-woo, who also appeared on the show, said, "It was a decision that respected the patient's quality of life," and raised important questions about how patients and their families should communicate when they are about to die.


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