Kang Hoon reunites with 'Running Man' Ji Ye-eun in pink...

2025-01-05 21:41:03

However, he tried to distance himself by saying, “You can’t do things like this anymore.”

However, as Kang Hoon's popularity increased after appearing in the drama 'To My Harry', he showed a cautious appearance, saying, "You can't do things like this anymore," which made people laugh.

Ji Ye-eun showed her anticipation by spraying strong perfume on Kang-hoon's appearance, but Kang-hoon showed a cautious attitude, saying, "You can't do things like this anymore."

Kang Hoon appeared on 'Running Man' and showed natural chemistry with Ji Ye-eun, receiving a lot of love from viewers.

However, as awareness has increased since the drama 'My Dear Harry', he appears to be acting more cautiously.


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